Monday, February 9, 2009

Is It Spring Yet?

All weekend we've had beautiful weather here, almost 50's in February...which is rare for Iowa. Last Friday I had my windows open and every room in my house was aired out, my kids played outside and rode their bikes through the enormous puddles in our cul-du-sac (which resulted in about 10 changes of pants throughout the day), but it was all good because they were happy to be out and I was happy to have them out.

Saturday morning we all slept until 7:30ish, which those of you who know us well know my kiddos are immune to sleeping in. The house got cleaned and it smelled like springtime inside and out. And I swear if we drop down into below zero temps and get another foot of snow, I will cry. I will bawl like a big huge baby and have a kicking screaming tantrum because I'm ready for spring.

Now, I consider myself fairly objective and although I've been tired of winter and cold and stuffing my wiggly, mostly non-compliant children into their coats, boots, snowpants, hats, mittens and scarves all to go the store, for quite sometime now. But I also love the fluffy snow when it falls while I'm working and I like to watch my kids play on the enormous mountain of snow that is my neighbor's yard (from my front window sipping a cup of coffee- of course). But after a beautiful weekend, I don't think I can bear the thought of another big snow storm, and cold that makes your chest hurt, and ice.

I'm ready for the warm weather and thunderstorms and flip flops and trips to the park. And most honestly, I'm ready to be able to send my kids in the yard to play and to have to call them in!

So, I guess I'm wondering what the chances are that we'll end up with an early spring, in February, in Iowa?

I doesn't look good.

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