Merry Christmas from the Seitz Family!
Since our Seitz Family Christmas Quiz was such a hit last year, we decided not to mess with perfection and write another for the year 2008…why disappoint our fans? We’ve had another amazing year here in Des Moines and we’d love for you to guess which events actually happened and which we’ve embellished for your enjoymentJ
1. Some of Cameron’s big achievements this year included…
a. learning to take out the trash without being asked, perfecting his parallel parking technique in front of Jolie’s school, and whipping up a mean soufflĂ©.
b. walking, talking, and growing 20 teeth!
c. no major achievements as he prefers to lie around the house in his boxers eating animal crackers.
Answer: B- Our sweet Cameron is no longer a baby, but a full fledged toddler, who runs, climbs, chats our ear off and likes to carry around his trusty step stool for easy access to all the no-no places and death defying heights. He loves his Tiny Tumblers class at the YMCA (but who wouldn’t when your mommy teaches itJ) and he loves to talk about space and look for the moon with his daddy!
2. An activity that fills Ella’s day might include…
a. preschool with her mommy in the afternoon
b. Tumble Tots at the YMCA
c. gymnastics on Wednesday nights
Answer: All of the above- Ella turned 4 this year and although she hasn’t started preschool at the Science Center yet, she and Mommy spend time most afternoons working on letters and numbers, reading and making books, and doing other crafty school activities. She also loves to tumble and swing on the bars at gymnastics class and walk on tiptoe on the balance beam at Tumble Tots. She’s quite the gymnast!
3. A new skill that Scott has acquired this past year is…
a. a mean curve ball for our summer league Swingers softball team
b. a new dirty dancing move he tried out at several weddings this summer
c. plumbing our basement
Answer: C- Scott spent all of his Labor Day weekend learning how, practicing and practicing some more and finally getting the plumbing nearly finished for our basement bathroom. It was a long weekend with no water (the kids and Jamie escaped to Cedar Falls for most of that great adventure), but Scott can now proudly add ‘plumber’ to his list of Scott-of-all-trade talents and skills. And a side note…Scott already possessed the other skills on the listJ
4. Although we didn’t take a family vacation too far from home this year, the Seitz family did live it up by…
a. piling in the family truckster and heading to Kansas City for a long weekend of fun.
b. renting a log cabin up north with extended family over the Fourth of July holiday.
c. shooting off fireworks in our cul-de-sac with neighbors this summer.
Answer: All of the above- Although we were bummed that both of our big vacations had to be cancelled this year, we found plenty to keep us busy closer to home. We had a blast in Kansas City, swimming and tubing at the Great Wolf Lodge, and exploring the KC Zoo and Science City at Union Station. We got to hot tub and hang out at the campfire with the cousins up north in our HUGE log cabin and we always have fun in our neighborhood…participating in illegal activities with our neighborsJ
5. When Jamie isn’t sitting around eating bon bons and watching her soaps all day, she might be…
a. bedazzling a pair of jeans for Scott to wear to work on casual Friday.
b. daydreaming about life before three children.
c. teaching Step, Water boot camp, and Tiny Tumblers at the YMCA, catching up on her latest book club pick, helping out at Jolie’s school, managing her growing Virtual Assistant business, or keeping life running smoothly for the Seitz family.
Answer: C- Jamie is enjoying her expanding VA business and loves her amazing clients, along with the flexibility and challenge it offers. She’s also been teaching new and different classes at the Y and is thankful for a healthy stress outlet (and built in babysittersJ). She also loves being a PTA mom and lives for her monthly book club meetings (aka fancy dinners out with friends). And to be honest and fair…answer B is sometimes true too!
6. The major events in Jolie’s life this past year might include…
a. losing 7 teeth, cutting her head open and getting 11 stitches in her forehead at school, discovering the Magic Tree House books as a 1st grader, and watching her idols, Shawn Johnson and Nastia Lukin, in the Olympics this summer.
b. sitting quietly and ladylike in the house and sewing her very first patchwork quilt, all the while telling her mother how much she loves and admires her.
c. playing school, Barbies and gymnastics with her siblings and explaining the rules to them in a loving and calm voice, with a smile, and absolutely no hint of distain or frustration…and giving them each a heartfelt hug when the game is over.
Answer: A- Jolie has had an amazing year this year. She started 1st grade and loves school, reading, recess and “Chicken Nugget Wednesdays”. Her new passions are Magic Tree House books and gymnastics and she practices the uneven bars on any bar-like object she can find: our neighbor’s swing set, our other neighbor’s tree branch, ect. She is also sporting a good size scar on her forehead from the head vs. playground bench accident last spring at school that left her with 11 stitches, a trip to the ER, and two freaked out parents! But she’s healing well and it adds character…right?
So how’d you do? Some were tough, I know. Scott’s answers are always tough to guess because he’s so darn unpredictable. If you missed any, I suggest you come visit us or give us a ring so you can find out what we’re up to. You can also keep up with us on our family blog at www.seitzlife.blogspot.com/ . (It’s a little bare now, but it’s our New Years resolution to keep it up.)
We are so thankful for the blessing of family of friends in our life. We hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season and an exciting 2009. Our prayer for you is that God will bring you peace, joy and contentment this year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
God Bless and Much Love,
Scott, Jamie, Jolie, Ella and Cameron Seitz
Since our Seitz Family Christmas Quiz was such a hit last year, we decided not to mess with perfection and write another for the year 2008…why disappoint our fans? We’ve had another amazing year here in Des Moines and we’d love for you to guess which events actually happened and which we’ve embellished for your enjoymentJ
1. Some of Cameron’s big achievements this year included…
a. learning to take out the trash without being asked, perfecting his parallel parking technique in front of Jolie’s school, and whipping up a mean soufflĂ©.
b. walking, talking, and growing 20 teeth!
c. no major achievements as he prefers to lie around the house in his boxers eating animal crackers.
Answer: B- Our sweet Cameron is no longer a baby, but a full fledged toddler, who runs, climbs, chats our ear off and likes to carry around his trusty step stool for easy access to all the no-no places and death defying heights. He loves his Tiny Tumblers class at the YMCA (but who wouldn’t when your mommy teaches itJ) and he loves to talk about space and look for the moon with his daddy!
2. An activity that fills Ella’s day might include…
a. preschool with her mommy in the afternoon
b. Tumble Tots at the YMCA
c. gymnastics on Wednesday nights
Answer: All of the above- Ella turned 4 this year and although she hasn’t started preschool at the Science Center yet, she and Mommy spend time most afternoons working on letters and numbers, reading and making books, and doing other crafty school activities. She also loves to tumble and swing on the bars at gymnastics class and walk on tiptoe on the balance beam at Tumble Tots. She’s quite the gymnast!
3. A new skill that Scott has acquired this past year is…
a. a mean curve ball for our summer league Swingers softball team
b. a new dirty dancing move he tried out at several weddings this summer
c. plumbing our basement
Answer: C- Scott spent all of his Labor Day weekend learning how, practicing and practicing some more and finally getting the plumbing nearly finished for our basement bathroom. It was a long weekend with no water (the kids and Jamie escaped to Cedar Falls for most of that great adventure), but Scott can now proudly add ‘plumber’ to his list of Scott-of-all-trade talents and skills. And a side note…Scott already possessed the other skills on the listJ
4. Although we didn’t take a family vacation too far from home this year, the Seitz family did live it up by…
a. piling in the family truckster and heading to Kansas City for a long weekend of fun.
b. renting a log cabin up north with extended family over the Fourth of July holiday.
c. shooting off fireworks in our cul-de-sac with neighbors this summer.
Answer: All of the above- Although we were bummed that both of our big vacations had to be cancelled this year, we found plenty to keep us busy closer to home. We had a blast in Kansas City, swimming and tubing at the Great Wolf Lodge, and exploring the KC Zoo and Science City at Union Station. We got to hot tub and hang out at the campfire with the cousins up north in our HUGE log cabin and we always have fun in our neighborhood…participating in illegal activities with our neighborsJ
5. When Jamie isn’t sitting around eating bon bons and watching her soaps all day, she might be…
a. bedazzling a pair of jeans for Scott to wear to work on casual Friday.
b. daydreaming about life before three children.
c. teaching Step, Water boot camp, and Tiny Tumblers at the YMCA, catching up on her latest book club pick, helping out at Jolie’s school, managing her growing Virtual Assistant business, or keeping life running smoothly for the Seitz family.
Answer: C- Jamie is enjoying her expanding VA business and loves her amazing clients, along with the flexibility and challenge it offers. She’s also been teaching new and different classes at the Y and is thankful for a healthy stress outlet (and built in babysittersJ). She also loves being a PTA mom and lives for her monthly book club meetings (aka fancy dinners out with friends). And to be honest and fair…answer B is sometimes true too!
6. The major events in Jolie’s life this past year might include…
a. losing 7 teeth, cutting her head open and getting 11 stitches in her forehead at school, discovering the Magic Tree House books as a 1st grader, and watching her idols, Shawn Johnson and Nastia Lukin, in the Olympics this summer.
b. sitting quietly and ladylike in the house and sewing her very first patchwork quilt, all the while telling her mother how much she loves and admires her.
c. playing school, Barbies and gymnastics with her siblings and explaining the rules to them in a loving and calm voice, with a smile, and absolutely no hint of distain or frustration…and giving them each a heartfelt hug when the game is over.
Answer: A- Jolie has had an amazing year this year. She started 1st grade and loves school, reading, recess and “Chicken Nugget Wednesdays”. Her new passions are Magic Tree House books and gymnastics and she practices the uneven bars on any bar-like object she can find: our neighbor’s swing set, our other neighbor’s tree branch, ect. She is also sporting a good size scar on her forehead from the head vs. playground bench accident last spring at school that left her with 11 stitches, a trip to the ER, and two freaked out parents! But she’s healing well and it adds character…right?
So how’d you do? Some were tough, I know. Scott’s answers are always tough to guess because he’s so darn unpredictable. If you missed any, I suggest you come visit us or give us a ring so you can find out what we’re up to. You can also keep up with us on our family blog at www.seitzlife.blogspot.com/ . (It’s a little bare now, but it’s our New Years resolution to keep it up.)
We are so thankful for the blessing of family of friends in our life. We hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season and an exciting 2009. Our prayer for you is that God will bring you peace, joy and contentment this year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
God Bless and Much Love,
Scott, Jamie, Jolie, Ella and Cameron Seitz
1 comment:
Got your Cmas letter and pictures today. I had to check out your blog, your family is growing so quickly. They are all so cute, they all look a bit alike I think. We have a blog too if you're ever interested...www.babygardzelewski.blogspot.com. Thanks for the annual Cmas letter, I always love reading it and catching up. Have a blessed holiday!
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